Note: Amount in BTC can be updated to actual exchange rate
Send crypto to:
BTC: bc1qugwed6fg0wdz8ttxu0gxmedvt0l472msm0w7q4
ETH: 0x7522C361f0D3Adc9F6bE680a15b2fe763eF6fD13
I want to setup a crypto wallet
Click "I Paid" when you done.
Send crypto to:
BTC: bc1qugwed6fg0wdz8ttxu0gxmedvt0l472msm0w7q4
ETH: 0x7522C361f0D3Adc9F6bE680a15b2fe763eF6fD13
LTC: Lg4WYiJ8Fa2B4W3yQvPxfKQatMqjABdowe
SOL: Hsp6Y4uz6t5Hgb8sUri1zdN7uRWTN7et5CN4dERXK6AY
Click "I Paid" when you done.
Only for your first crypto purchase, depending on the country/state you reside in, some information might be requested from the crypto provider to verify your identity. This is the process known as KYC (know your customer) and required by law to minimize fraud in the crypto market.
This data won't be collected by us.
Process won't take longer than 4-5 minutes
Click "I Paid" when done to get a faster confirmation of your payment.
For example, you can use Trust Wallet. It's pretty simple and very secured. You can learn more about it on official website
How to set up a crypto wallet and pay?